Tuesday 12 February 2019

fake instagram accounts : Teens create fake identities on instagram

Fake accounts over social networking sites have grown common within few years, A recent study showed that teenagers are creating fake instagram account called "Finsta". Studies show that these accounts are harmless, but the trend of creating fake instagram account could lead to a more serious problem of how teenagers understand reality and also result in commiting suicides. The Finsta basically stands for F-insta, where F signifies Fake

Teens now-a-days are most likely to create fake Instagram profiles, Fake Facebook and Twitter accounts, etc. This has become a trend over the past few years and is still continuing. Some teens create fake accounts to appeal others, while some create fake profiles to bully or harass someone. According to instagram search analytics, it is also found that many teens send follow requests to multiple accounts around the globe without actually knowing them.

Psychiatrist Gayani DeSilva stated to Fox news that, "Teenagers might take the feedback from an alternate identity online way too seriously. It’s a problem when teens create personas to appeal to others instead of  creating personas that come from themselves. For instance, a preppy teen posting pictures of himself wearing goth clothes, posing in front of a wall with painted wings is totally normal and healthy. A teen who is struggling with self-image issues, posting pictures of her body and seeking comments to define her self esteem is unhealthy."

Many Teens now on social media try to project an alternate version of themselves to make themselves look cooler on the social networking sites. While hiding their originality they try to recreate themselves and seek an affirmation from the audience. This process of recreating themselves and portraying a newer version basically leads to a lack of self-confidence which can eventually drag them down to committing suicide. 

Reports, also show that many teens have also committed suicide over the past few years claiming to be a victim of cyber bullying in the suicide notes.

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