Sunday 7 May 2017

Indian King Who Used Rolls Royce's To Sweep The Roads And Carry Municipal Waste

The Indian king Jai Singh on his visit in London, was walking in the streets in a casual dress. He saw a Rolls Royce showroom and went to ask about the Price and features of their cars. Thinking that he was another poor indian citizen, the showroom salesman insulted him and asked him to leave. After the insult, King Jai Singh went back to his hotel room and asked his servants to call the showroom that King of Alwar city is interested in purchasing their few cars.

The King returned to the Rolls Royce showroom again after few hours. He was now dressed with his full astonishing royal manner and in his royal costume. By the time the King reached the showroom there was already a red carpet arranged for him especially and all the salesman bent with respect. The king purchased all the six cars that they had at showroom and paid full amount with delivery charges. After reaching India, the king ordered municipal department to use all those six Rolls Royce cars for cleaning and transporting city's waste.

World's number one luxurious Rolls Royce autos were used for the transportation of city's waste, The news spread everywhere throughout the world and the name of the Rolls Royce company was in drains. Whenever someone used to boast in Europe or America that he owned a Rolls Royce, people used to laugh saying, "which one? is that the same which was used in India for carrying the municipal waste??" due to such a dishonour, the sales and income organization holders began rolling down. At that point they sent a Telegram to the King stating "regret and asked to stop the use of Rolls Royce autos for transporting municipal wastes. The company also offered six new Rolls Royce autos to King Jai Singh for free of cost with no delivery charges. After realizing that the Rolls Royce company learnt their biggest lesson, he then stopped utilizing those autos for carrying wastes.

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