Tuesday 23 October 2018

Fire and Water Proof Artificial Wood Created by Scientists

Some scientists at Stockholm University in Sweden created a new lightweight material that is as strong as wood and is also invulnerable to fire and water. This new material is not exactly like wood or has similar properties meaning that it doesn't take years to grow. The material repelled water instead of absorbing while soaked in a water-sample and in strong acid for more than 30 days. While scientists conducted the same water-sample experiment using a sample of balsa wood which lost two thirds of its strength and 40 percent of its crush resistance.

Scientists also tested the material exposing it to the flame and interestingly it took a lot of time ignite the material and as soon as the flame was removed the material stopped burning showing the fire resistance. Shu-Hong Yu a Chemist at University of Science and Technology in china also said, " Faster freeze-drying of the material creates even smaller channels and pores, which further strengthens the material and higher curing temperatures increase bonding within the resin and increase the material's strength." He also added saying, " Adding Human-made or natural fibers to the mix could also help in strengthening the resin bonding."

This wood like material is created by adding a pinch of chitosan, a sugar polymer derived from the shells of crabs and shrimps to the solution of polymer resin. This solution is then freeze-dried which yields a structure that is filled with tiny pores. Then the dried solution is heated at 200 degrees Celsius which helps in chemical bonding.

This wood like material can mostly be used in buildings for insulation, ding-resistant packaging and many more. The Eco-friendly nature of this new material gains interest among various scientists among the world.

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