Sunday 23 September 2018

A Nano-Filter that cleans Water 100 Times Faster

Scientists from Australia developed a nano-filter that can clean contaminated water 100 times fasther than the usual, pointing to better access to the crucial resource worldwide. As the water crisis is not far ahead the water contamination became a major problem globally. Scientists also stated the fact that there will be a time where there will be no water to drink, So, to prevent this scientists at RMIT created this nano-filter.

About one in nine people are without access to clean water close to home, and heavy metal contamination " this causes serious health problems and children are particularly vulnerable", RMIT researcher Ali Zavabeti said. He added saying, "Our new nano-filter is sustainable, environmentally-friendly, scalable and low cost and as Previous research has already shown the materials we used are effective in absorbing contaminants like mercury, sulphates and phosphates. With further development and commercial support, this new nano-filter could be a cheap and ultra-fast solution to the problem of dirty water."

How the Nano-Filter Works??

The nano filter removes the oils and heavy metals including lead via an alloy which combines gallium-based liquid metals with aluminium, helping to absorb the contaminants with aluminium oxide compounds. As this is biggest task involved in purifying water, the use of nano-filter helps in reducing the amount of time and effort required to remove oils and heavy metals from water.

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1 comment:

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