Saturday 29 April 2017

Apple is Supervizing Research on Wireless Charging

Apple's new wireless charging technology will allow the users to charge their phones without any cable or cord or charging port. The phone can be charged with Wi-Fi router, according to U.S. patent and Trademark filing.

The patent filing indicates that the company is now conducting research on wireless charging devices over a variety of radio frequencies. The patent , titled "Wireless Charging and Communications Systems with Dual-Frequency Patch Antennas". Using the Beamforming antennas to locate where the device is physically present and then focussing the signal there for a better improved range and charging speeds.

The upcoming apple device is said to be equipped with a receiver and charging via the transmitter. Each device is said to contain one or more antennas coupled to a wireless circuitry. The patent also specifically cites transmitting power through the 60 GHZ wavelength used by the WiGig 802.11ad standard.

Apple has not yet revealed any information regarding to this research, but we hope soon it will. The idea of providing Wi-Fi while simultaneously charging your iphone is marvellous.

The only drawback is the charging depends on the Wi-Fi router's signals distance.

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