Thursday 20 April 2017

Average Time People Spend On The Internet [5 years 8 Months]

Internet addiction might sound something imaginary​ but its  reality. Now-a-days people have stopped living in the society and started living in the internet. People tend to loose track of time while spending their time on social sites like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube etc. Internet was essentially created to enable communications amoung several linked systems at the Local , State , National and International levels. The DARPA or ( The United States Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)  launched a campaign to find the ways to link computers for the exchange of information.

The amount of time people spend on the social media over the years has increased rapidly. Teens usually spend up to 9 hours on social platforms. The social networking sites are upgrading and providing new facilities and tools to attract more audience. Features like Live-Streaming, 360-degree Photos/Videos and Live Filters etc attracted many people to use them.  

Some of the  trending social mobile applications like Snapchat , Instagram , Dubsmash and now are also attracting people by providing new features. Top selling Brands like Addidas, Nike are paying loads of money on these applications , websites for advertising their Brand. Their expenditure on this Social apps is expected to reach 36 billion US Dollar in 2017. 

According to the latest report it is found that the total amount of time spent across the most popular social media platforms, throught his lifetime, and comparing it to the daily activites and example of what can be accomplished with the equal amount of time is (e.g Run 10K+ marathons). 1 marathons is equivalent to 43 kilometers so imagine 10k marathons will equal to travelling 43,000 kilometers.
Suprisingly , an average person spends about 2 hours on social media everyday, which incase of a lifetime equals to 5 years and 4 months. Further it is also estimated that there might be growth in the time spent on internet as more new interesting social websites advance. The average person spends 7 years and 8 months watching TV in a lifetime. In, near future even TV's might have Internet Connection
Currently, total time spent on social media beats time spent eating and drinking, socializing, and grooming.
The time spent on social media differs From platform to platform. YouTube comes in first in this list, consuming an average of over 40 minutes of a person’s day which is 1 year and 10 months in a lifetime.  According to the latest report people nearly spend 2 hours a day on YouTube. Facebook a Social Networking website users will spend an average of 35 minutes a day, totalling 1 year and 7 months in a lifetime. Snapchat and Instagram come in next place with an average of 1 hour spent per day, respectively.

The Generation of Scrolling??

 Now a days quotes, motivational videos, comedy channels  etc have become very popular. Once you try to scroll posts you don't even realise the time your spending on it . I, myself lost track off time many times. Hours in your life is being wasted by scrolling. People have become so desperate about these things that they forget they sleep or food for reading them.
Now a days everyone has a smartphone or a tablet device in their pockets. Which indirectly increased the number of internet users. Teens this generation cannot live without their smartphones. The generation is so indulged into the social media that they don't have proper communication with their parents and have more personal problems , academic ,financial and occupational problems.
Excessive use of social media websites and internet can damage your Health , Relationships and increase your problems. Procastinating things also increases once your addicted. Staring at the computers or mobiles for hours and hours can damage your eyes. Using of social apps at night also leads to insomania. Communication on social sites also lead to mood swings, anger, depression, fear , irritability , sadness, loneliness , boredom , restlessness , anxiety etc. 

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