Tuesday 30 May 2017

Malware That Affected More Than 36.5 Million Android Users via Google Play (Judy Malware)

Recently, researches at the Check Point Software Technologies Ltd discovered a new malware campaign on Google PlayStore. The malware is said to be an auto-clicking adware which was found on 41 apps developed by a Korean company. This new malware is dubbed as "Judy".

Researchers at checkpoint stated that the Judy malware is used to generate fraudulent clicks on advertisements for generating money. The malware named "Judy" has affected around 8.5 million to 36.5 million Android devices. This malware containing apps has downloads between 4.5 million to 18.5 million.

However, after checkpoint informed it to be a threat Google removed these malicious apps from the Google Play Store.

Checkpoint team stated "The connection between the two campaigns remains unclear, and it is possible that one borrowed code from the other, Knowingly or unknowingly, similar to previously reported malicious apps like FalseGuide, Judy also relies on the communication with its Command and Control Server for its operation".

Several apps containing Judy malware were actually developed by other developers. The FalseGuide malware was hidden in over 40 guide apps for games in Google Play states checkpoint.

Check Point team stated "Some of the apps we discovered resided on Google Play for several years, but all were recently updated. It is unclear how long the malicious code existed inside the apps, hence the actual spread of the malware remains unknown".

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Good News For Cricket Fans (Intel's Advanced New Drone To Analyze Pitch At ICC)

Intel is the Official Innovative partner for the ICC 2017. It unveiled three new gadgets that will be used during the ICC Champions Trophy 2017. The three gadgets includes an advanced pitch analysis drone, a virtual reality experience for cricket fans, a bat sensor powered by an Intel Curie module. These new Technologies are going to be launched first in Australia, India, US, and UK.

Taking about each gadget separately, the Drone is equipped with infrared and HD cameras which will be used for the analysis of the pitch. The drone analyzes and sends all the data regarding the topology, grass health, grass cover. As, pitch is the most important aspects of cricket, that decides each game swings.

Coming to the bat sensor it is actually called as Speculur BatSense, which can be mounted on any cricket bat and is used to calculate all the movements of the bat for every hit/stroke the batsman plays. The bat sensor measures the back-lift, bat speed of every stroke, which is displayed on a monitor or TV after every stroke the batsman plays.

Relating to the three new advanced technology the Speculur Managing Director Atul Srivastava said, "Coaches can use their insights and expertise along with the bat sensor data to make specific adjustments to a batsman's technique ultimately helping him perform better."

Coming to the third tech, Virtual Reality is one of the most innovative aspect of the latest technology. VR technology in ICC is used to give cricket fans a better experience where people will be able to play cricket in virtual reality and totally getting involved into it. Intel is going to showcase the VR cricket experiences at the Oval( London) and Edgbaston (Birmingham) stadiums. People will be able to test their batting skills against virtual bowler.

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Saturday 27 May 2017

Google's AlphaGo Beats the World's Number 1 Go Player Ke Jei

What is Go??

Go is a strategy board game for two players, in which the aim is to surround more territory than the opponent. It is a very complex game and also the oldest known board game. The objective of a go player must be to surround a larger total area of the board than the oponent.

Google's AlphaGo is a AI, computer program which is developed by Alphabet Inc's Google DeepMind in London to play the board game Go. The Google's AI system proved its dominance in the complex strategy game, defeating the world's number one Go player, Ke Jie. The Alpha Go beat Ke Jie in the second of three scheduled matches, and gaining victory over him.

The AlphaGo uses neural networks and machine learning to analyse an opponent's moves and pick the the most suitable move.

This latest win proves that Alpha Go AI surpassed human player and is a huge victory for Google. Also proving the dominance in this board game.

Later AlphaGo's analysis showed that, in the second match Ke Jie played perfectly for 50 moves and altered his strategies attempting to flank AlphaGo. However, the AI was capable of countering Ke Jei at every turn forcing him to resign.

DeepMind CEO Demis Hassabis said in a press conference that "For the first 100 moves it was the closest we've ever seen anyone play against the master version of AlphaGo".

Ke told media that " Today's game was different from the first, AlphaGo made some moves which were opposite from my vision of how to maximize the possiblility of winning. I also thought i was very close to winning the game in the middle but maybe that's not what AlphaGo was thinking. I'm a little bit sad, it's a bit of regret because i think i played pretty well."

The final game between AlphaGo and Ke will take place today, while AlphaGo will be pushed to the limits of its capabilites.

A Landmine Detection and Defusing Drone Invented by a 14-year old Signed Rs. 5 Crore

A 14-year old boy Harshwardhan Zala studying 10th class from gujarat signed an agreement worth Rs. 5 crore for the production of a drone created by him which can help the soldiers in detecting and defusing landmines in the war zones. He signed the Memorandum of Understanding ( MoU) at the recently-concluding Vibrant Gujarat summit in Ahmedabad.

He first started to work on a prototype of the drone right after reading in newspaper about high casualities due to landmines. Harshwardhan said " I first created a landmine detecting robot but realised that since the weight is heavy it would trigger a blast and damage it so i thought of creating a drone which will be at a safe distance while detecting the mines".

Harshwardhan also claimed "For the final prototype i created it cost me around 3.2 lakhs and improving it further may increase the cost a little but it will be still cheapter than the present system which are used in army".

Dr Narottam Sahu, the head of Gujarat Council on Science and Technology said "An MoU has been signed with him and in the coming days Gujarat government will work with him on  this project".

The interesting thing is that the state government financed his final prototype which cost him around Rs. 5 lakh. The drone is said to detect the landmines through an infrared sensor, and then defusing it by a detonator.

Harshwardhan set up his own company naming it Aerobatics 7 and has plans to create more innovational gadgets.

Tuesday 23 May 2017

Human Emotion's Detected By A Wristband [ It is Real..]

An engineer at MIT developed a wristband that can detect changes in human emotions, brain and also behaviour. The wristband usually recognize the changes in human emotions, especially during seizures caused by epilepsy. When there is an abnormal, excessive or synchronous neuronal activity seizures occur. The wrist band has automated machine learning technology which detects the compulsive seizures by recognition of electrodermal activity on the wrist with measures of motion through a sweat response.

The professor of Media arts and sciences at MIT Rosalind picard said that " The skin is purely innervated by the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system". This sympathetic activation occurs when experiencing excitement or stress, whether physical, emotional or cognitive.  When some parts of the human brain are activated during a seizure, they can elicit patterns of electrical changes in the skin.

She added saying "We can observe increases in sympathetic brain activation by monitoring subtle electrical changes accross the surface of the skin."

"We Know that pain exacerbates anxiety and stress, we are doing more studies to determine how reductions in anxiety and stress could indicate an analgesic response activated by a pain management therapy," she said.

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Time To Leave Earth???

"Humans need to find a new planet to live on within the span of 100 years" said Professor Stephen Hawking. He said that humanity has to redouble its efforts to search for other planets to colonise other planets before the Earth becomes uninhabitable.

"I strongly believe we should start seeking alternative planets for possible habitation, We are running out of space on Earth and we need to break through the technological limitations preventing us from living elsewhere in the universe." he said at a press conference in London. He also added saying "I am not alone in this view and many of my colleagues will make further comments on this at starmus next month,".

Professor Stephen Hawkings said that he believes that the climate changes on Earth will make it more hotter in the coming years and it will become impossible to grow crops as the population expands. He also believe's that humans won't survive in another 1000 years if humans don't escape .

Space X chief Elon Musk is also planning to launch space colonies in the next 100-years and even NASA said that its Mars missions might be helpful to colonize people on other planets.

Is this the end of Earth..??

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Sunday 21 May 2017

A Smart T-Shirt Can Monitor Your Breathing In Real-Time

Scientists in Toronto created a smart T-shirt which is said to monitor the respiratory rate of the person who is wearing. It is also surprising to know how a T-shirt can monitor the respiratory rate of a person without any wires or sensors embedded. Such T-Shirts can be used to diagnose respiratory illness or monitor the people who are suffering from asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or sleep apnea.

The shirt is said to be made of fibre which is covered in a polymer which protects it against the environment. The chest part has an antenna sewn inside the T-Shirt which is made up of a hollow optical fibre coated with a thin layer of silver on its inner surface. However, it does not have any wires or sensors but works in real time.

Researchers said that, when a person wearing the T-Shirt breathes in, the smart fibre senses the increase in both thorax circumference and the volume of air in the lungs. These changes modify some of the resonant frequency of the antenna. This data is then sent to the user's smartphone or a nearby computer making it user efficient. The T-shirt does not need to be tight or in direct contact with the wearer's skin.

Messaddeq said "Our tests show that the data captured by the shirt is reliable, whether the user is lying down, sitting , standing , or moving around, The oscillations that occur with each breath are enough for the fibre to sense the user's respiratory rate".

He also added saying "For testing the T-Shirts durability researchers washed it for about 20 times with water and detergent. Surprisingly the antenna withstood the water and the detergent and was still in good working condition".

This invention is also said to be very useful as it can report the respiratory changes instantly preventing the loss of life.

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Friday 19 May 2017

Kalamsat : A Satellite made by an 18 Year Old Indian Scientist

Rifath Sharook an 18 year old from Tamil Nadu's Pallapatti town became the youngest Indian Scientist after inventing the world's smallest and the lightest satellite. The satellite " Kalamsat " is a pocket-sized cube made out of carbon fibre weighing less than 100gm. The interesting aspect about the satellite is that it works pretty well and is to be launched by NASA in United States in the month of June.

The satellite was actually made as a part of the NASA's competition project 'cubes in space'. This invention made him the first Indian whose invention is being launched by NASA. The satellite is named after the former President and the Missile Man of India "DR A. P. J. Abdul Kalam".

A Picture of the "KalamSat",

The satellite is made using 3D printing technique, A technique which still is in the developing phase worldwide. The main purpose of the satellite is to test the durability of carbon fibre in space along with the behaviour of 3D-printed structures which would help the scientists for further inventions making economically viable.

This is not the first invention of Rifath Sharook, at the age 15 he invented a ballon of helium- filled weather as a part of the competition in Chennai, Proving that age doesn't matter to create something innovative.

As,we know that curiosity and imagination is not limited as the human's determination and spirit. We need to push ourselves to and beyond the boundries and create the impossible.

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Thursday 18 May 2017

State Bank Of India Confirms that It's ATM's Are Functional And Not Affected By Ransomware

WannaCry Ransomware has Shaken the world effecting many business industries causing them to shut down. Many bank's in India are shut due to a possible virus attack by WannaCry Ransomware. However, the State Bank Of India (SBI)  chief information officer Mrutyunjay on wednesday told IANS (Indo Asian News Service) that "We have not been impacted at all. None of our ATMs have been asked to shut down". SBI has around 59,000 ATMs of the total 2 lakh ATMs in the country. 

Chief officer Mrutyunjay also said that " About 80-90 % of the old ATMs have already got the security patch, and the remaining ATMs are being updated, but none of the ATMs have been shut down as SBI has a secure closed loop network and robust firewalls. Wherever remaining, our engineers are updating. We are doing a review, and putting additional security patch if needed. Ours is a close-looped network, where are servers end to end are ours. We are dealing with public trust and public money, so we are very careful about it. Our security network is very high and we have very robust firewalls. We run anti-malware quite often".

Mrutyunjay added saying " Roughly our 50 percent ATMs are running on Windows XP. But they are not totally vulnerable. Malware files are large in size and cannot travel through firewall. However, for Windows XP new security patch has been updated. The ransomware attack was aimed at harming the economy but the banking sector has not been affected by it." 

The WannaCry Ransomware attack is a wake-up call for all the countries. It has brought up a situation for every country to be more vigilant and treat cyber-security as one of their highest priorities.

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Monday 15 May 2017

Massive Ransomware Attack [Beware]

A Computer malware has been reportedly spreading across more than 150 countires. This malware is known as the "WannaCry Ransomware". 

On, Monday the White House said that nearly  $70,000 had been paid in total to get the locked data released. Many Internet security experts tried to prevent the new infections by running the security software updates.

What is Ransomware??

Ransomware is a computer virus which takes over user files, demanding $300 to restore them. There is also a time limit for the payment, if the time limit exceeds then the user's files will be deleted. Also, the payment price could go up as the ransomware warned the cost would double after three days, and threatened to delete files within seven days if no payment was made. 

How To Prevent From Being Attacked?

  • Microsoft said that the latest version of  Windows 10 will not allow the ransomware attack and the chances of being attacked are very less. However, If your not updated with the latest version of Windows 10 then there might be chances of your computer being attacked by this ransomware. So, keep your PC Updated inorder to prevent this attack.
  • Becareful when clicking on attachments and links in your emails. 
  • Don't do any online transactions.
  • Don't open any email which has the attachments with "tasksche.exe" file.
  • Don't click any url's or links displayed in websites.

Should You Pay?

UK's National Crime Agency said "do not pay!" - There is no Guarantee that systems will be restored.  Michael Gazeley, of Network Box, a Hong Kong based cyber- security firm, told the International News Agency that there were still "many Landmines waiting in People's inboxes", adding that his firm had detected a new version that infected users directly via a malicious link on hacked websites.

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Friday 12 May 2017

How To Make Your Device Faster


Many of you might have wondered is there anyway to make your android device faster. The answer is yes, you can make your device faster and more responsive. Today i'm going to be talking about 3 methods by which you can make your device more faster. Follow all the 3 methods and enjoy the results.

1)Method 1 (By Reducing Transitions Animations):

 In, this method by reducing all the animations of the device you can get a quicker response than the original. Animation's are settings that make your device look smooth and lagg free, But also takes time to respond. By reducing or Turning OFF the animations we can get a faster response. To reduce the transitions follow the steps given below.

Step 1 : Go to settings, scroll down and click the about phone option.

Step 2 :  In, the about phone menu scroll down to the Build     Number and keep tapping on the Build Number for about 5-7 times until it displays a message showing "now you are a developer".

Step 3 : Once you get that message go back to the settings menu and above the about phone option you will find the "Developer Options" settings.


Step 4 : Click on the Developer option settings and scroll down to the Transition Animation scales. You will be having 3 Animations they are: Window Animation Scale, Transition Animation Scale, Animator Duration Scale.


Step 5: Now, Click on each of animation option and set the Animation OFF (By default the animations will be 1x ). 

Note: Turn Window Animation Scale, Transition Animation Scale and Animator Duration Scale to OFF. 

Step 6: Now go back to your home screen and test the response.

If you want the device animation's as well as the speed then set all the animation scales to .5x as seen in the above image.

2) Method 2 ( Install a 3rd-party cleaner app) :

As you use your android device more and more huge amount of junk data is collected, which will eventually decrease your device storage and also cause's the phone to lagg or unresponsive. Inorder to clear all that junk data install a 3rd-party Cleaning app like Clean Master, 360 security. Clear all the junk files using Clean Master Twice a week to improve the device performance. I, personally use Clean Master as my default cleaning app.

3) Method 3 ( By Force Stopping apps) :

The recent apps running in the background are also a major problem leading to device lagging. 3rd-party apps like clean master have a special option called Battery Saver by which you can force stop the background running applications. Follow the below steps to stop the background running apps. 

Note: For Clean Master users.

Step 1: Click on the battery saver button and allow all the permissions. 

Step 2: Now Clean Master will try to scan all the Background apps and display's all apps except System apps .

Step 3: Choose the apps which you want to force stop and click the Hibernate Button. This will force stop the Applications which you Selected. 

By using this method we can clear the occupied RAM by the unnecessary background apps.

Note: Once, you force stop the applications you won't be  able to recieve any notifications from those apps unless and until you open them app again.

You can also install 3rd-party launcher's like nova launcher, apus launcher  which are specially designed to make your device look faster than the normal device OS. I recommend you to use any of those two launcher's for a better android experience. I, personally use Nova Launcher as my default Launcher.

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Thursday 11 May 2017

Flipkarts Big 10 Sale

Flipkart's Big 10 sale is a gift in return to the millions of online shoppers who have held on with flipkart ever since its beginning. The biggest sale online is here to allow you refurbish everything you wished to with brand new products right from the space. The offers include TV's, coffee table's,  Mobiles phones, laptops, fashion apparel's, footwear, and many more available at a very low prices. 

The sale is being arranged as Flipkart is completing its 10 years aniversary in the e-commerce space. Flipkart says, " it is also a moment for thanking everyone for the trust conferred in us, as a gift in return, Flipkart is here with the biggest sale ever, from 14th-18th of May 2017, for products under every single category so that everyone gets a chance to renovate and modernize everyday use items at lowest prices online".

Flipkart is offering 20-60% off on TV sets and home appliances like Air Conditioners, Washing Machine, Refrigerator's, Water Purifiers, Dry and Steam Irons, Mixer's etc. More than 50+ Brands are available for appliances to choose from.

There are also wide range of mobile phones available at a very low prices. Impressively Flipkart is offering Google Pixel at a price of Rs. 34,999 ( Actual price Rs. 57,000). Iphone 7 is also said to be available for a very low price on 15th. Other mobile phones under this offer includes Redmi note 4, Lenovo K5 note, Panasonic Ray Max, Swipe Elite Sense, Sansui Horizon 1, Canvas Spark 3 and many more.

Surprisingly there is 50-90% off on fashion apparels. T-Shirts below Rs. 299, Shirts below Rs. 499, Watches under Rs. 399, Casual Shoes under Rs. 999,  Kurtas and Kurtis below Rs. 499. There is also 60% off on Jeans, 80% off on Sarees, 70% off on Backpacks, 60% off on Sport Shoes, 50% off on Cosmetics and perfumes.

Another Highlight of this Big 10 sale is that Flipkart is offering a free trip to Kuala Lumpur for the top 20 Shoppers. So stay tuned, Mark the date on your calendar and get ready for the biggest sale online.

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Tuesday 9 May 2017

Microsoft Windows 10 S An Answer To Chrome OS

Microsoft introduced a new version of Windows 10 last week. The OS is known as Windows 10 S. Terry Myerson the chief of Microsoft Window's stated that "Everything that runs on Windows 10 S is downloaded from the Windows Store". That doesn't mean that desktop apps won't run on this version of Windows 10, but they have to be specially packaged and must be listed in the Windows Store.  This version of Windows 10 is especially designed for low-end hardware and in particular the education market. It is also said to be an answer from Microsoft to the Chrome OS.

Microsoft's goal is to have a wide range of PC partners creating devices that run this new version of Windows 10. The devices will start at $189 (Rs. 12,214) and all these devices will be shipped with a free subscription to Minecraft: Education Edition. Windows 10 S will be free for all schools that are currently running Windows 10 Pro and include free Office 365 education with Microsoft Teams.

Microsoft says it has done improvements in the login process in Windows 10 S. It will take 15 seconds to be ready for a student to log in and use for the first time, which is faster than the current available on Windows 10 pro , says Microsoft. Windows 10 S will come with preconfigured options, It will simply detect the key and customize all settings ready for a school.

The full version of Microsoft Office will also be available in the Windows Store. As we know that Windows 10 S might be too restrictive, Microsoft is planning to offer an option to enable all desktop apps, for a fee. If you purchase a device running Windows 10 S then you'll be able to upgrade to Windows 10 Pro to enable all desktop apps to run.

While demonstrating the Windows 10 S, Microsoft Cheif Executive Vice President Myerson showed the ability to support peripherals and devices just like regular Windows 10. "Windows 10 S will run any browser in the Windows Store," says Myerson,hinting that if Google might to be willing to list Google Chrome in the Windows store. Microsoft has also focused more on its Edge Browser and in particular education sites and web apps.

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Sunday 7 May 2017

Indian King Who Used Rolls Royce's To Sweep The Roads And Carry Municipal Waste

The Indian king Jai Singh on his visit in London, was walking in the streets in a casual dress. He saw a Rolls Royce showroom and went to ask about the Price and features of their cars. Thinking that he was another poor indian citizen, the showroom salesman insulted him and asked him to leave. After the insult, King Jai Singh went back to his hotel room and asked his servants to call the showroom that King of Alwar city is interested in purchasing their few cars.

The King returned to the Rolls Royce showroom again after few hours. He was now dressed with his full astonishing royal manner and in his royal costume. By the time the King reached the showroom there was already a red carpet arranged for him especially and all the salesman bent with respect. The king purchased all the six cars that they had at showroom and paid full amount with delivery charges. After reaching India, the king ordered municipal department to use all those six Rolls Royce cars for cleaning and transporting city's waste.

World's number one luxurious Rolls Royce autos were used for the transportation of city's waste, The news spread everywhere throughout the world and the name of the Rolls Royce company was in drains. Whenever someone used to boast in Europe or America that he owned a Rolls Royce, people used to laugh saying, "which one? is that the same which was used in India for carrying the municipal waste??" due to such a dishonour, the sales and income organization holders began rolling down. At that point they sent a Telegram to the King stating "regret and asked to stop the use of Rolls Royce autos for transporting municipal wastes. The company also offered six new Rolls Royce autos to King Jai Singh for free of cost with no delivery charges. After realizing that the Rolls Royce company learnt their biggest lesson, he then stopped utilizing those autos for carrying wastes.

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Saturday 6 May 2017

1,500 Images Of Sun in just 5 Minutes [ Nasa's new Sounding Rocket ]

Nasa's scientists launched a sounding rocket on 5th May at 2:25pm EDT ( 11:55pm IST ) which is said to take 1,500 images of the sun 320km up above the surface of the earth. The sounding rocket was launched  from the White Sands Missile Range near Las Cruces, New Mexico . 

NASA took the Rapid Acquisition Imaging Spectograph Experiment which is known as RAISE in Short. It was designed to inspect every split-second changes occuring near the Sun's active regions, it includes areas with the intense complex magnetic activity that can give rise to solar flares, which gives out energy and solar material into space.

Other mission's like NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) , the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory ( STEREO) have already been designed to study the Sun Continuously. But studying some certain areas of the sun requires high-cadence observations inorder to understand the split-second changes occuring in the sun which was not possible with those two mission's. For this soul purpose RAISE was designed. 

Don Hassler, the principal investigator for the RAISE at the Southwest Research Institute said, " Dynamic processes happen on all timescales - With RAISE, we'll read out an image every two-lengths of a second, so we can study the processes and changes on the sun very quickly. That's around 5 to 10 times faster than comparable instruments on other satellite missions. Also RAISE is pushing the limits of high-cadence observations, and doing so is challenging, But that's exactly what the NASA sounding rocket program is for".

The RAISE creates an image called a spectrogram, which separates light from the Sun into all its different wavelength components. By looking at intensity of light at each wavelenth, scientists can judge how solar material and energy work around the Sun, and how that movement evolves into massive Solar Eruptions.

Friday 5 May 2017

ISRO's "Naughty Boy" Has A Successful Liftoff

PM Modi after becoming the PM of India back in 2014, asked the ISRO scientists to develop a SAARC satellite as a gift dedicated to the neighbouring countries.

The GSAT-9 a communication satellite was gifted to six South Asian neighbours by the PM Modi. This was the 11th flight of GSLV , called the "Naughty Boy" by the scientists. The satellite will also help in telemedicine and education excluding communication. The aircraft's total cost is said to be around 450 crore Indian rupees. The GSAT-9 was launched today from SRIHARIKOTA space research center in Andhra Pradesh around 4:57 pm. 

Prime Minister Narendra Modi  has called it "a day without precedence," congratulating the scientists for the success of the South Asia Satellite. "We are very proud of them ", PM Modi Tweeted on twitter, announcing that leaders of beneficiary countries were joining him in a video-conference to celebrate the launch. The leaders of the beneficiary countries thanked PM Modi for the gift and said "it will help in bringing progress of our region". 

The Bhutan's Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay called it a generous gift by India and an example of true friendship. He also stated "The satellite-based communications has now become the norm the world over. This will be especially beneficial for countries like Bhutan which cannot afford their own." 

Nearly 50 of the India's best space engineers and scientists of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) monitored the launch. The  uses a new propulsion system, which was built over 3 years. Its lifetime is 12 years. The GSLV rocket that launched it weighs about 414kg and is 50 metres tall.

Wednesday 3 May 2017

Nokia 8 (23MP camera)

The new Nokia 8 is said to be launched in july (not yet official). The phone is said to run on Android 7.0 (nougat). The interesting feature of this device is the mobile's rear camera which is 24MP, 2.0 f aperture with optical image stabilization for better pictures. The rear camera also has Dual-LED CCT flash for good quality pictures at night. Whereas the front camera is of 12MP. As, we already know that Nokia provides best quality camera's competing with Apple. We also expect the camera performance on this device will be outstanding.

The display size is of 5.7-inch IPS LCD display with a resolution of 1440x2560 pixels and 551 ppi of pixel density. The screen is protected with a corning gorilla glass v5.

Nokia 8 is said to support dual-micro-sim with 4G support on only the primary slot. The secondary slot supports 3G and 2G speeds. The phone is also said to come with a fingerprint sensor.

The device is said to pack Quad core Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 MSM8998 64-bit chipset, Adreno 540GPU and 6GB of RAM. The in-built internal storage is about 64GB and can be expanded up to 256GB via memory card. The connectivity options that are available on the Nokia 8 are Wi-Fi ,GPS , Bluetooth, USB OTG and 4G. Sensors includes Proximity sensor, Accelerometer, Ambient Light sensor and Gyroscope.

However the battery capacity is said to be about 3,999mAh which is less for the above specifications.

Highlights of Nokia 8:

Camera             :     24MP with Dual-LED CCT flash

Internal             :       64GB (in-built) expandable upto                                                                    256GB via MicroSD

Ram                  :       6GB

Processor        :     Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 octa core                                                             64bit chipset

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To read more about the new Nokia phones click the link Nokia 3310Nokia 6

Monday 1 May 2017

Tejas Express (Train With LCD Screens, Onboard Wi-Fi , Automatic Doors, Tea / Coffee Vending Machine)

Indian Railways is set to launch a High-End train service called the Tejas Express this summer. The train between Goa and mumbai is said to have automatic doors, wifi connectivity, LCD screens , tea/coffee vending machines, magazines. The Tejas Express service was announced in Rail Budget 2016-2017. This is the first Hi-End Train in India. 

The 20 compartment Tejas Express will comprise executive class and chair cars and also serve cuisine organized by celebrity chefs. This train will set as an example for the upcoming trains in Indian Railways. On friday, the Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu stated on twitter saying, "Mumbai to Goa train travel will get as exciting as air travel from June".  

The Train is said to be operated at speed of 130 kmph and above. Each compartment will have automatic doors along with secured gangways for each compartment. Train's Interior color is said to be matched with the Train's Exterior color to give a premium look to the passengers.

Smoke detection and supression systems are also interesting aspects about the Teja Express.

The LCD screens are provided
for entertainment purpose. These LCD screens are also used for publicizing the passenger information and safety instructions. Passenger's can also use it to watch movies, browse the internet. 

The LCD screens are also provided in different coaches for information related to digital destination boards, electronic passenger reservation charts.

Another interesting aspect about the Tejas Express is that it also has sensorised taps and hand driers along with the water level indicators in bio-vacuum toilets.

Overall the Teja's Express offers a premium Trip experience to the passenger's.

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