Saturday 27 May 2017

Google's AlphaGo Beats the World's Number 1 Go Player Ke Jei

What is Go??

Go is a strategy board game for two players, in which the aim is to surround more territory than the opponent. It is a very complex game and also the oldest known board game. The objective of a go player must be to surround a larger total area of the board than the oponent.

Google's AlphaGo is a AI, computer program which is developed by Alphabet Inc's Google DeepMind in London to play the board game Go. The Google's AI system proved its dominance in the complex strategy game, defeating the world's number one Go player, Ke Jie. The Alpha Go beat Ke Jie in the second of three scheduled matches, and gaining victory over him.

The AlphaGo uses neural networks and machine learning to analyse an opponent's moves and pick the the most suitable move.

This latest win proves that Alpha Go AI surpassed human player and is a huge victory for Google. Also proving the dominance in this board game.

Later AlphaGo's analysis showed that, in the second match Ke Jie played perfectly for 50 moves and altered his strategies attempting to flank AlphaGo. However, the AI was capable of countering Ke Jei at every turn forcing him to resign.

DeepMind CEO Demis Hassabis said in a press conference that "For the first 100 moves it was the closest we've ever seen anyone play against the master version of AlphaGo".

Ke told media that " Today's game was different from the first, AlphaGo made some moves which were opposite from my vision of how to maximize the possiblility of winning. I also thought i was very close to winning the game in the middle but maybe that's not what AlphaGo was thinking. I'm a little bit sad, it's a bit of regret because i think i played pretty well."

The final game between AlphaGo and Ke will take place today, while AlphaGo will be pushed to the limits of its capabilites.


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