Tuesday 23 May 2017

Human Emotion's Detected By A Wristband [ It is Real..]

An engineer at MIT developed a wristband that can detect changes in human emotions, brain and also behaviour. The wristband usually recognize the changes in human emotions, especially during seizures caused by epilepsy. When there is an abnormal, excessive or synchronous neuronal activity seizures occur. The wrist band has automated machine learning technology which detects the compulsive seizures by recognition of electrodermal activity on the wrist with measures of motion through a sweat response.

The professor of Media arts and sciences at MIT Rosalind picard said that " The skin is purely innervated by the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system". This sympathetic activation occurs when experiencing excitement or stress, whether physical, emotional or cognitive.  When some parts of the human brain are activated during a seizure, they can elicit patterns of electrical changes in the skin.

She added saying "We can observe increases in sympathetic brain activation by monitoring subtle electrical changes accross the surface of the skin."

"We Know that pain exacerbates anxiety and stress, we are doing more studies to determine how reductions in anxiety and stress could indicate an analgesic response activated by a pain management therapy," she said.

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