Saturday 27 May 2017

A Landmine Detection and Defusing Drone Invented by a 14-year old Signed Rs. 5 Crore

A 14-year old boy Harshwardhan Zala studying 10th class from gujarat signed an agreement worth Rs. 5 crore for the production of a drone created by him which can help the soldiers in detecting and defusing landmines in the war zones. He signed the Memorandum of Understanding ( MoU) at the recently-concluding Vibrant Gujarat summit in Ahmedabad.

He first started to work on a prototype of the drone right after reading in newspaper about high casualities due to landmines. Harshwardhan said " I first created a landmine detecting robot but realised that since the weight is heavy it would trigger a blast and damage it so i thought of creating a drone which will be at a safe distance while detecting the mines".

Harshwardhan also claimed "For the final prototype i created it cost me around 3.2 lakhs and improving it further may increase the cost a little but it will be still cheapter than the present system which are used in army".

Dr Narottam Sahu, the head of Gujarat Council on Science and Technology said "An MoU has been signed with him and in the coming days Gujarat government will work with him on  this project".

The interesting thing is that the state government financed his final prototype which cost him around Rs. 5 lakh. The drone is said to detect the landmines through an infrared sensor, and then defusing it by a detonator.

Harshwardhan set up his own company naming it Aerobatics 7 and has plans to create more innovational gadgets.


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