Monday 15 May 2017

Massive Ransomware Attack [Beware]

A Computer malware has been reportedly spreading across more than 150 countires. This malware is known as the "WannaCry Ransomware". 

On, Monday the White House said that nearly  $70,000 had been paid in total to get the locked data released. Many Internet security experts tried to prevent the new infections by running the security software updates.

What is Ransomware??

Ransomware is a computer virus which takes over user files, demanding $300 to restore them. There is also a time limit for the payment, if the time limit exceeds then the user's files will be deleted. Also, the payment price could go up as the ransomware warned the cost would double after three days, and threatened to delete files within seven days if no payment was made. 

How To Prevent From Being Attacked?

  • Microsoft said that the latest version of  Windows 10 will not allow the ransomware attack and the chances of being attacked are very less. However, If your not updated with the latest version of Windows 10 then there might be chances of your computer being attacked by this ransomware. So, keep your PC Updated inorder to prevent this attack.
  • Becareful when clicking on attachments and links in your emails. 
  • Don't do any online transactions.
  • Don't open any email which has the attachments with "tasksche.exe" file.
  • Don't click any url's or links displayed in websites.

Should You Pay?

UK's National Crime Agency said "do not pay!" - There is no Guarantee that systems will be restored.  Michael Gazeley, of Network Box, a Hong Kong based cyber- security firm, told the International News Agency that there were still "many Landmines waiting in People's inboxes", adding that his firm had detected a new version that infected users directly via a malicious link on hacked websites.

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