Tuesday 9 May 2017

Microsoft Windows 10 S An Answer To Chrome OS

Microsoft introduced a new version of Windows 10 last week. The OS is known as Windows 10 S. Terry Myerson the chief of Microsoft Window's stated that "Everything that runs on Windows 10 S is downloaded from the Windows Store". That doesn't mean that desktop apps won't run on this version of Windows 10, but they have to be specially packaged and must be listed in the Windows Store.  This version of Windows 10 is especially designed for low-end hardware and in particular the education market. It is also said to be an answer from Microsoft to the Chrome OS.

Microsoft's goal is to have a wide range of PC partners creating devices that run this new version of Windows 10. The devices will start at $189 (Rs. 12,214) and all these devices will be shipped with a free subscription to Minecraft: Education Edition. Windows 10 S will be free for all schools that are currently running Windows 10 Pro and include free Office 365 education with Microsoft Teams.

Microsoft says it has done improvements in the login process in Windows 10 S. It will take 15 seconds to be ready for a student to log in and use for the first time, which is faster than the current available on Windows 10 pro , says Microsoft. Windows 10 S will come with preconfigured options, It will simply detect the key and customize all settings ready for a school.

The full version of Microsoft Office will also be available in the Windows Store. As we know that Windows 10 S might be too restrictive, Microsoft is planning to offer an option to enable all desktop apps, for a fee. If you purchase a device running Windows 10 S then you'll be able to upgrade to Windows 10 Pro to enable all desktop apps to run.

While demonstrating the Windows 10 S, Microsoft Cheif Executive Vice President Myerson showed the ability to support peripherals and devices just like regular Windows 10. "Windows 10 S will run any browser in the Windows Store," says Myerson,hinting that if Google might to be willing to list Google Chrome in the Windows store. Microsoft has also focused more on its Edge Browser and in particular education sites and web apps.

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