Thursday 18 May 2017

State Bank Of India Confirms that It's ATM's Are Functional And Not Affected By Ransomware

WannaCry Ransomware has Shaken the world effecting many business industries causing them to shut down. Many bank's in India are shut due to a possible virus attack by WannaCry Ransomware. However, the State Bank Of India (SBI)  chief information officer Mrutyunjay on wednesday told IANS (Indo Asian News Service) that "We have not been impacted at all. None of our ATMs have been asked to shut down". SBI has around 59,000 ATMs of the total 2 lakh ATMs in the country. 

Chief officer Mrutyunjay also said that " About 80-90 % of the old ATMs have already got the security patch, and the remaining ATMs are being updated, but none of the ATMs have been shut down as SBI has a secure closed loop network and robust firewalls. Wherever remaining, our engineers are updating. We are doing a review, and putting additional security patch if needed. Ours is a close-looped network, where are servers end to end are ours. We are dealing with public trust and public money, so we are very careful about it. Our security network is very high and we have very robust firewalls. We run anti-malware quite often".

Mrutyunjay added saying " Roughly our 50 percent ATMs are running on Windows XP. But they are not totally vulnerable. Malware files are large in size and cannot travel through firewall. However, for Windows XP new security patch has been updated. The ransomware attack was aimed at harming the economy but the banking sector has not been affected by it." 

The WannaCry Ransomware attack is a wake-up call for all the countries. It has brought up a situation for every country to be more vigilant and treat cyber-security as one of their highest priorities.

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